Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I wish I had a magic wand
I wish I could change Nigeria
I wish to see a better Nigeria
I wish, we had good leaders
I wish our country was someone's dream
I wish a better Nigeria existed
I wish to wake up to a better Nigeria
I wish! , I wish! ,I wish!

Monday, January 27, 2014

My view on The Same Sex Marraige (Prohibition) Act (2013)

Yesterday my hubby was reading a Nigerian National Newspaper, and when I asked  him  for the main news, he said he was reading about gays and lesbians in Nigeria, they actually made the Headline. The other day my little cousin was imitating his sister and next thing I heard was ‘ Hakeem, stop behaving like a gay’. You turn on the radio, the discussions going on is all about gays and homosexuals. Honestly I have always known that homosexuals existed in Nigeria(Minority), but never believed that they were our main concern, when we have issues like terrorist attack, kidnapping, Assu strike, high level of unemployment, and poor economic condition in Nigeria to say the least. Its on this note that I congratulate, Federal Government for their massive publicity of same sex relationship.  This is exactly how developed countries like America who are now open to gay started, it was controversy upon controversy, punishment of offenders, discrimination,  publicity, more publicity through movies, press, music  etc until they started embracing it .

Are you visiting my blog, expecting that I may be supporting gay relationship? my response to this new law is as provided in the Act. The Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act imposes a prison sentence of 14 years for anyone found guilty of engaging in same-sex relationships, and states that anyone who "administers, witnesses, screens, abets and aids" a same-sex union can be imprisoned for 10 years.

 Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. What this means is that if I support same sex marriage I am most likely going to be sentenced for 10yrs, even if I don’t practice it. So I have no intention of spending time in KIRI KIRI PRISON! So I leave the struggle for the gays. Cheers.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

My New year resolution.

every new year we make  new year resolutions, cant really remember if i always accomplish them, i usually have a very long list of things i want to achieve, hmm i know loosing weight is always on top of my list. this year i intend to make it very short. looking at my my blog i realize that the last time i posted on my blog was in August 2013, thus  my first resolution for the year, would be to be a little bit consistent with my blog, second would be to maintain a healthy diet and continue with my regular exercise, devote enough time to God and my Family. i think this would do for now. it feels good to be back, hoping that i continue posting on this blog. lol! i wish to appreciate all those that have viewed my blog, and sent messages to me, thank you very much, not excluding those who have called to ask questions. its proof that my work is not in vein. love u all. cheers.

happy happy new year. (2014)