Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Philosophy: Key to happiness is contentment!

My philosophy about life is  very simple. i believe that life is simple, life is easy, but man makes it complex by worrying over everything. No matter how hard you worry, what will be will be. I don't believe that i am better that any one, neither do i think that anyone is better than me.I respect others for their accomplishment in life and pray that God blesses me and my family. To this end i am not envious of anyone but very content with what i have, little be it or much, as  i strongly believe that the key to happiness is contentment. i do not believe that there is any man on earth who has it all, any one who tells you that he has it all is lying, just like the economist say,'human wants are un satiable'. beauty lies within a person, a good intellectual discussion makes my day, you don't need to be  Agbani Darego (Former Miss world), or prince charming to win my heart. i don't think the man living in a mansion or castle is better than the man in a bungalow. my reasons are simple, the man in a mansion can only sleep in one room at a time, so is the man in the small house, the man in the mansion has lots of beds in his house but can only sleep on one bed, same is with the man in the small house, on that bed, the man in the mansion can not spread his whole body on the bed, same with the man living in the bungalow. I believe you i can live anywhere in the world, a village, a forest, city, town, as far as the basic amenities to survive are available,  so to me life is easy, simple, whatever your status, work hard and be content.  

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